Monday, January 19, 2009


Final Post

Due FEB 2 Beginning of school

I will grade this in class Monday--so you can post over the weekend.
NO additional time will be provided in class to BLOG

PS--if you are here for hints on the the book instead:)

Did anyone in the Great Gatsby earn his/her American Dream?
Does the American Dream still hold true today for you in our society?

For help on "American Dream" feel free to bug Mrs. Nayback, Mrs. Quinn or search online. PLEASE do not attempt to blog information that you yourself do not write
(i.e. don't just copy and paste from a website) I want your own thoughts about the book!


Post #4

Due before the end of January IN CLASS.

What crimes (in your opinion) are the worst in the Great Gatsby. What crimes should have been overlooked? Does the time period or your feelings for Gatsby influence your decision?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

GATSBY and Film


Due FRI Jan 23 or sooner. Don't forget to give SPECIFIC detail and to respond to each other. There will be 5 posts in all.

Read chapters 1-6, also after viewing some of the film (from these later chapters) in class

Compare your impressions of the characters in the film with what you envisioned in the novel. What would you have changed? What symbols do you see done well in the film that Fitzgerald would have appreciated?



Instructions, one post due by THURS. Jan 22 or sooner. Don't forget to give SPECIFIC detail and to respond to each other. There will be 5 posts in all.

Reading chapters III-V

Describe your first encounters as a reader with Gatsby. What about him rings true? False? Compare him to any other "famous" person you have personally met. It can also be someone who has a lot of social respect that you were awed to meet or be in the presence of.

Friday, January 9, 2009

WEEK 1 Gatsby Blogging Instructions


You will be expected to respond to 5 different entries over the next 3.5 (or so) weeks. For full credit you are expected to answer in complete sentences, use SPECIFIC detail or quotes from the text to reinforce your opinion and you must correspond with your classmates. Please don't just say "I agree" or "I disagree" say why! Overall Blogging will be worth 50 pts. Some of you have extra credit from responding to drafts, but e.c. cannot fully replace if you did not respond on time. Please watch typos:)

First Assignment: due January 16 before end of class time--should include readings from chapters 1-2 or further. Please try to BLOG if at home. If no computer, bring written materials to show me in class Monday if too many snow days. (BLOG MODIFIED 1/15 DUE TO SNOW DAY)

What do you honestly think about the narrator (NOT Gatsby) and how he describes people and his current situation. You may some some references from the film, but I am more interested in the book!