Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Scarlet "Sins"

What is the worst thing that you ever done?
(that you would feel comfortable mentioning on the blog)

What is the worst thing (so far) that has happened in the book?


Anonymous said...

I think one of the worst things to happen early on in the Scarlet Letter is that 2 other people (other than Hester) could take a stand and share the blame, but they remain silent to protect themselves and their own secrets. Hester has to bear her burden alone.

CCP Honors Teacher Nayback said...

Probably one of the worst things I have ever done is to open my big fat mouth and say the truth. Sometimes this hurts people when I have to call home and talk to parents, or be honest on essays, or when people ask my opinion and I just let it fly. I can come off pretty insensitive sometimes, but then I will fret and feel horrible about what I said--even if I meant it or had to say it--all because I hurt someone!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that picking on my little brother to the point that I know I'm really hurting his feelings and I don't stop. Then looking back on when my family lived in Colorado I was really mad at my parents for having us move agian, so I made a promise to myself not to make any friends, and I did just that. I was really mean, infact I actually caused a lot of trouble between some of the girls that were in my grade. These things might not have been the worst things I've ever done, but they are the things that I feel worst about.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst thing that has happened in the book is the towns people pointing the fingure at Hester. I hate it when people point out that I've done something wrong. I think the towns people are very lucky that Hester didn't start pointing the blame on other people like in the Crucible.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the worst things that has happened in the book include Hester having to bear riducule from everyone and noone helps her out. Noone steps up to take some of the blame for adultry, when it obviously takes two to commit that crime. i think the worst thing I have done was to listin to the girls in high school about other people and judge them for something they might have never even done. I lost alot of friendships over something retarded.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ice Age. I think the worst part in the book is indeed the townspeople pointing the finger at Hester. However, I think it's because she isn't the only one involved in her situation. Also, there are probably many others who have done a sin maybe not adultry but one that is indeed just as worse, and they are not being treated like poop like Hester is. I think the townspeople are just trying to be able to point at her sins instead of their own, which is very sad considering if the ask for it they can recieve forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the worst things that I've ever done was not speaking up when I knew something wrong was happening. Everyone else was laughing along with it when I however did not find it funny at all. It was mean and I didn't say anything at all. I did learn from my mistakes however and I now do speak up all of the time. Sometimes its hard to just argue with your peers, but in the long run I know it has to be done.

very secret someone said...

the worst thing I have ever done is I am always mean to my sister
the worst thing in the book is when her husband comes back

CCP Honors Teacher Nayback said...

I agree about being mean to a sister, once I told my sister she was adopted and I "proved"it by showing her "father" (a priest) on her baptismal certificate and I told her that it was her real birth certificate.

I don't know if it was worse that Hester's hubby came back as he had a long, hard journey, but it is awful that he stands by and then infiltrates the town as the "doctor" so he can find out the baby's real father.

CCP Honors Teacher Nayback said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The worst thing I have ever done in my life was break into someones house and steal money. It was bad and I regret it but I was really young. I also threw a rock at a car once too and that was also bad. The worst part of the book is when all of the towns people ridiculed her on the scaffold. Its a really stupid punishment and I think her prison time was sufficient enough but I suppose that is how they delt with things like that back in the 1600's.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell what the worst thing I've ever done is... but something that I still feel bad about is this summer during the last week of my junior counceling I was feeling very homesick and so I did not spend as much quality time with my campers as I should have.They needed more of the attention than I did so I feel like I neglected them :(. The worst thing in this book I think is the jealousy that Dr. Chillingworth feels toward Mr. Dimmons... for reasons not yet discovered ;).

Jaan Pehechaan Ho said...

I think one of the worst things that I've ever done is constantly giving my little brother grief. I'm always so mean to him..well not always, but it seems that every little thing he does urks me to the point of insanity. I don't know why though. When he was born, all I wanted was a little brother & my dad even called me the day after he was born & let me be the first to know. I was so excited. But now, 10 years later, & for most of his life as well, I'm always jsut so cold to him. I guess its because we're 7 years apart, but I still feel awful about it. I mean, I really do love him & I've been making an honest effort to be nice to him. I was so glad when I found out that I was accepted to college, because he was the first one to find out & when I told him, he ran over to me & gave me this big, fat bear hug. I was honestly really surprised. But I was glad also.